Articles on: Invoice123 settings

How to Create an Invoice Series?

Mastering well-managed invoice series is essential for accurate bookkeeping, efficient tax reporting, and maintaining a professional business image. Discover how to create invoice series in Invoice123 with our tutorial, tailored for freelancers, VAT companies, eCommerce owners, and more. Simplify your accounting process and ensure seamless financial management with Invoice123. Let's get started!

How to get started?

Choose SETTINGS from the menu bar


You can edit or delete existing series, as well as add new ones

To ADD ADDITIONAL REFERENCE NUMBER, select the invoice type from the provided list, enter the unique series, and click the save icon

In the Reference number field, enter the desired letters or symbols. This part of the series remains unchanged.
In the Template column, enter the number of characters or % of the total number of digits that should comprise the series.

Each invoice series must be UNIQUE - otherwise, it will not be saved
Different serial number has to be created for each invoice, receipt type

Let's Make It Even Easier!

You have the option to add and edit serial numbers directly in the invoicing window:

Updated on: 29/05/2024

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