Articles on: Integrations

How to Install the WooCommerce Plugin?

WooCommerce integration allows businesses to streamline their invoicing processes. The integration enables automatic generation and sending of invoices to customers who have made purchases on your online store.

This integration also reduces the likelihood of errors in invoices, as all product information and prices are automatically populated based on the generated invoices. Additionally, using this module, you can easily track the status of your invoices and payments.

How to do it?

In Invoice123 app, go to INTEGRATIONS

Install WooCommerce plugin

Click on Generate API key

Click on CREATE, to save the API key

Go back to WooCommerce integration settings and click LINK SETTINGS

Fill in all the required information and SAVE SETTINGS

Note: if you are a VAT payer, you need to create VAT types in Invoice123 in order to link them on the WooCommerce side.

How to generate proforma invoices?

In the settings of the Woocommerce module, link series for proforma invoices

In the WooCommerce order, choose the type of invoice to be generated

If you want to generate proforma invoices by default, activate a sending BY DEFAULT CREATE ADVANCED INVOICES

Invoicing through WooCommerce:

During the order process, you can include both the contacts of individuals or legal entities.
Under plugins find Invoice123 and paste the API key
In the Invoice123 plugin, check the box to ADD CUSTOM INPUTS TO PAYMENT for customers to provide their company details, choose order status when invoice has to be created and align VAT fees, if applicable

Note: If you are a VAT payer, please ensure that all products in the settings are selected as taxable.

Add the desired product to the shopping cart

In the checkout window, check the box to SPECIFY COMPANY DETAILS

Proceed with the purchase as usual

Updated on: 20/06/2024

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